Where is My Guru was born while sitting on the coast of Ecuador, after filming a creative documentary about service and contemplating how to create a life that could truly be of service and meaning. Where is My Guru (WIMG) became a blog for friends and family to follow the adventures of a soul seeking to make a difference, no matter where in the world it ended up.  

WIMG went on to evolve from a blog to a website and live radio show interviewing today’s top teachers, leaders and change makers in yoga, wellness, service, leadership, community and mindful business. The show traveled around the country (and had a few international gigs as well) speaking to individuals and sharing their message on how they stayed connected to the bigger picture in life, how they determined their values and what was important to them, how they remained plugged into their source and most importantly – their own stories of struggle and joy and challenge and triumph – for it is in the story that we can relate to one another and remember that we are not alone.

In the fall of 2013 Where is My Guru’s world got rocked. Our founder met her guru face to face. She gave birth to her son, Ellis Roy and made the decision to blow away the mandala of work she created to turn her attention towards being present with her family. The beauty of life is that while structures may appear and disappear, intention remains and the seeds of love that were scattered have their own unique and mysterious growth cycles. Seeds do not sprout and flowers do not bloom based on a Google calendar. Real and authentic relationships remain. What a nice reminder that has been!

After close to 15 months of the Guru going back into “the cave of the heart”, a new chapter of Where is My Guru began to unfold. Staying true to WIMG’s mission, “leading you back to you”, a new and evolved layer of WIMG emerged as an virtual space for learning., development and support. The Where is My Guru Virtual Center for Higher learning was born! WIMG will launch 6-12 courses with a wide array of amazing instructors over the course of the next year.

Our vision is to become an online campus that stretches out across continents and into the homes and hearts of individuals who are committed to walking the walk and putting one foot, mindfully, in front of the other.

It is an exciting time for our team of supporters and collaborators. We promise to stay true to our core values of always sharing amazing content from phenomenal people who are talking their talk and walking their walk. Watch this space.